Thank you to all our 5K Runners, Volunteers,
Donors and Sponsors!
Due to your heroism, we raised $12,400.00
for our children in the orphanage.
Check out the pictures and videos from the 5k!
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Christalis Superhero 5k 2019 Videos
Top Runners
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Top Overall Male
Jason Coates - BIB #359
Time: 19:05
Jeroy Acosta - BIB #498
Time: 21:06
David Caal - BIB #425
Time: 23:58
Top Overall Female
Melissa Schweisguth - BIB #390
Time: 22:33
Tanise Thornton-Fillyan - BIB #462
Time: 24:40
Patricia Clarke - BIB #399
Time: 29:47
15 & Under Male
Christopher Rosales - BIB #185
Time: 27:29
Nathaniel Pakkianathan - BIB #462
Time: 30:47
Luke Sadanala - BIB #380
Time: 30:57
Holly Kane - BIB# 442
Time: 46:37
Britney Pinto.S - BIB# 178
Time: 49:15
Alice Pinto.S - BIB# 500
Time: 49:46
15 & Under Female
16-19 Male
Benjamin Lee - BIB #171
Time: 25:49
Andrew James - BIB #426
Time: 27:05
Alvin Lakra - BIB #480
Time: 27:08
20-29 Male
Kazine Kelly - BIB #71
Time: 27:03
Mark Dhason - BIB #66
Time: 27:19
Michael Twillman - BIB #393
Time: 27:24
30-39 Male
Percy Singh - BIB #485
Time: 25:01
Jonathan Thomas - BIB #474
Time: 26:17
Brian Marx - BIB #176
Time: 28:13
16-19 Female
Erika Mendoza -BIB #69
Time: 50:49
Brenda Calderon - BIB #439
Time: 59:25
Lesly Cardona - BIB #438
Time: 59:26
20-29 Female
Elenialexis Decastro - BIB #195
Time: 32:57
Priyanka Rauniyar - BIB #468
Time: 34:56
Adrienne Blaine - BIB #150
Time: 36:55
30-39 Female
Samantha Benjamin-Allen - BIB #405
Time: 31:22
Alexandra Suchman - BIB #153
Time: 37:45
Tina Selvakumar - BIB #421
Time: 39:24
40-49 Male
John Dawkins - BIB #363
Time: 23:59
Oliver Pandian - BIB #398
Time: 29:13
David Solomonraj - BIB #494
Time: 32:31
50-59 Male
Kennedy John - BIB #473
Time: 30:27
Christopher Cromwell - BIB #184
Time: 31:40
Colin Courten - BIB #187
Time: 32:02
60+ Male
Shawn Mathew - BIB #411
Time: 41:04
Jacob James - BIB #430
Time: 42:24
Samuel Velpula - BIB #448
Time: 44:46
40-49 Female
Karin Marshall - BIB #368
Time: 32:14
Stacy Julien - BIB #417
Time: 38:58
Shani Blount - BIB #466
Time: 39:00
50-59 Female
Denise Haley - BIB #190
Time: 36:07
Nichols Goh - BIB #395
Time: 41:06
Shanna Peeples - BIB #410
Time: 42:34
60+ Female
Aileen Kroll - BIB #152
Time: 30:02
Alexis Lumpkins - BIB #154
Time: 36:58
Ivy Isong - BIB #356
Time: 54:23