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What We Provide

Our Assistance Program provides tuition, uniforms, and school supplies to children in the community. These children have a home to live in, but their guardians are unable to provide for their needs. In addition to an education, we have been blessed to provide Christmas gifts, medical care, hygienic and household needs to many of the children. 

After we started our Home, our children would tell us about many of their classmates who were kicked out of school because they could not afford tuition or proper uniforms. Other families who heard about us came looking for assistance for their children. Thus the Assistance Program was started to provide aid and opportunities for these children. 

Did you know that 53% of primary students in Uganda don't continue on to secondary school? 

The cost of secondary school is almost double that of primary school. Because of this many students are forced to drop out at the equivalent of 7th grade. We strive to help children receive an education all the way through secondary school and continue on to certificate programs or University.

How You Can Help

Dylan & Supriya's Story

Justus & Ivan's Story:

Watch Resaca's Story:

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